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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sometimes Being A Runner, Means Not Running?


   I've often heard that flexibility is one of the best qualities to have in life. Life's always in motion, things are always changing. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, sometimes just because they can. Problems is, I'm not a very flexible person. Don't get me wrong, I know that I could improve on this skill. I've tried to do that over the course of my life. But it seems that I always revert back to my comfortable little bubble, where I'm safe and in control when I'm in that thing! Having OCD is great for your professional life. Even for your running career. But it's a pretty raw deal for your personal! Settling for that comfortable bubble is all well and good, if you plan on living in it for the for the rest of your life. You know what? It's hard to run very far when you're inside a small bubble! Rigid training plans, pre-set workouts and strict adherence to whatever the Running Gods demand has its place. I'd be lying to you if I told you that all the hard summers I spent doing all those challenging workouts didn't produce great results. I'm no running superstar. But, I've set some good PR's, ran some fast miles and broke that four hour mark in my favorite race, the marathon. All while working a full time job, staying married and helping to raise a beautiful little boy who's the center of my universe.
   Running is an amazing sport that's given me more than what I think I've put into it over the years. I've got excellent health for a guy turning 40 this year. My wife has bragged more than once to friends how she really got a sweet deal when she married me. What woman wouldn't want a husband who eats all of her food in excess, weighs 20 pounds less than I did when she first laid her eyes on me and swims in his wedding day suit?  
   My son beamed with overwhelming pride when he brought one of my NYC marathon finisher's medals and race bib to show and tell at school one year. His classmates and teacher ate it up! He regularly refers to me as a runner, has decided to start running himself and recently made me laugh until I cried when he called me "one tough dude"! I must admit that I revel in his glowing, supersized opinion of me! I'm the cool, rock star runner dad! Well, at least for now. Teenage years are coming! Yikes! 
   At work I'm one of the guys who you talk to when you want to know about running and fitness. I remember my interview for our SRT team (our department's version of a SWAT team). The interview panel asked me why they should consider me for the team. Among other reasons I gave them, one of them was that I probably was the fittest potential candidate that applied. I didn't see anyone else with marathon finisher medals on the candidate list. In the sometimes depressing, stressful and insane world of law enforcement, physical fitness can save your sanity and maybe like me, your life someday. I'm the strange guy who takes the stairs many times instead of the elevators, is the butt of endless running jokes and has running stickers plastered all over his locker. Some of the most unbiased opinions I've ever heard are frequently from bad guys. They don't care about you or what they say to you. It's nice when you get told by more than one that you don't look like you've aged at all and look like you lost a ton of weight compared to when you first started your career. And if you're dumb enough to run from me when I'm transporting you, then you'd better run far. You may be faster, but I'll run you down over time! Nice unbiased compliments only get you so far!
   I've met some really amazing people through running. Races, running clubs, Facebook, Blogger, YouTube, Daily Mile! All of them make up our incredible running community. Runners are genuine, accepting, hardworking and inspiring people. I honestly enjoy making new connections with people from all walks of life, all parts of the world. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter who you are, we all run the same, have the same running related problems, hopes and dreams. If you're in need of motivation, then you need look no further than this great group of people. 
   Let's face it, in today's busy, busy world life's overloaded with too much stress. Running has helped me retain most of my sanity. Without it, I wager that overeating, drinking and God knows what else would've overtaken me to the point of no return like it did my father. I'd really hate to think that all I have is five good years left on this Earth. Way too young to go! All that energy he put into his self-destructive behavior could've been channeled into something like running. I miss him all the time. It may be a pain some days to schedule time for running. But by doing it I like to think that I'm putting time on that all important back end. I've gotta stick around until at least 90. Then maybe, I'll finally qualify for Boston! My son is not going to grow up without a father. I've got some grandkids that I want to beat the pants off of in a 100 yard dash someday!
   Sometimes an old runner can learn a new trick or two. Yeah, I think that this whole peroneal tendonitis thing blows. But, what do you know, it's getting better and almost completely gone! Funny what wrapping it for four measly days and doing rehab exercises has done for it. If I would've gotten my head out of my ass sooner, listened to my loved ones and gone to the doctor sooner, I may have salvaged this year's Rochester Marathon. Lesson learned there. 
   Now that I'm pain free again the urge to ramp up the mileage to shoot for Rochester or another later marathon is overwhelming at times! I could probably do it with a little extra effort. But, I've noticed some interesting things happening during my forced taper.
   All that time I usually spend training hard during the summer months comes at a price. My wife, son, family and friends have all come to accept that training time as part of who I am. This year it seems like it's time for some overdue payback. Maybe some more late night movies on the couch, lazy mornings and afternoons fishing are in order? Shocking as it may seem, there's more to life than running sometimes.
   Don't worry, I'm not stopping running. Just taking a safe amount of time to get back to pre-injury levels. Adding mileage slowly. Funny how sometimes being a good runner means not running as much. All this time I've had on my hands has allowed me to step back and take a critical look at my overall running program. I think that some of the massive fatigue I've been experiencing could be related to my diet. So, I'm going to take a closer look at that. Maybe even contact an nutritionist? My running gait is horrible and I have the flattest feet on Earth. So, I'm going to look into getting a coach to give me pointers about how I can run more efficiently. I also have a little more time to work on the blog and podcast now too.
   So, there you have it. My running is back. The call of the road is strong. The 366 Project and Podcast continue on despite this scary injury. It healed so quickly that I don't think that it was an overuse injury. Something that I tweaked one day and worsened over time. The more that I think I know about running, the less I discover that I do. My endurance has slipped and my speed is coming back slowly. What seemed like such a hopeless point two weeks ago is now a distant memory. During that time I got so much wonderful support from so many different people. I'm humbled to say the least. So many amazing stories of triumph over impossible obstacles within our community. It's what we do. It's what I've done. We burst that safe bubble, we face our challenges head on and stand there at the end of our workout, our race, dripping with sweat, bug bites, sunburn, windburn, chafed nipples bloody knees, sore muscles and breathless. We have overcome and won the day. Do not doubt the potential inside of you. Inside is a phoenix, that when sparked will burn hot and take you to places you once thought you could never reach. Never let anyone tell you you can't. Don't feed into your self doubt. I was reminded this week that you're not a runner because you run races. You're a runner because you EARNED that title out there on the roads, trails and treadmills. Hope is alive within you, the race is not over until you say it is and you're running for your life.

Rise and shine! Stoke that fire my friends and BURN...

1 comment:

  1. Great Read Mark! I feel as though you have the same "love of the run" as I do. As well, I feel as though I know a bit more about you. Run long my friend!!
