Well, to say that I've been busy is a bit of an understatement. I really was hoping to keep the momentum going with shooting out a blog once a day for the last month. But, it's holiday time and that just isn't going to happen. I apologize for falling short. I'm actually not a cyborg running machine. Just a human!
So, what has been going on in 366 land? Lots of stuff actually. I worked a nasty long stretch to make sure that the little man gets what he wants from the man in the big red suit. We still believe in good old Santa in this household. We do all kinds of crazy stuff to ensure that it stays that way. Emails from the man himself, a trio of scout elves that have a knack for getting into all sorts of trouble around the house and lots of of Christmas magic. That means that free time has gone out the window! That stuff doesn't happen without a little help!
Winter may have been mild last year for us here in upstate NY. But, Mother Nature is making up for it this year! Lots of snow last week! Of course my snow blower was in the shop being repaired as the flakes fell. Oh well, what can you do? I didn't mind all the shoveling. It's just added strength work right? Apparently, we're under a flood watch tonight? The weather has oddly shifted back to the warmer side. Just in time for the snow blower to sit quietly in the garage! Hopefully some of the white stuff will still be there come Christmas morning!
All the snow has presented some unique challenges for getting my miles in. The main road that I run on near my home doesn't have much of a shoulder to begin with. When you add all of that snow, you have even less. Which means I'm practically running in the road. Even with a reflective vest, headlamp and four flashers drivers still seem to not see me. Sometimes they're nice and move over. Sometimes they play chicken. Very dangerous and frustrating. I think that I'm just going to have to breakdown and start doing some of my runs inside at the gym again. Treadmill of Death...
My motivation just hasn't been there too much ever since Thanksgiving. But, after being on vacation for the last four days I'm happy to report that I've managed to jump start my self somewhat! Really sore from all the activity. But, feeling elated to be doing something to combat the onslaught of holiday food and adult drinks that are coming soon.
I'm also happy to report that the Project is 13 days away from being completed! Had a super interview with Coach Jeff yesterday about the whole experience. He's a friend of mine in Australia who has an amazing podcast simply called, The Running Podcast. This guys amazing and knows his stuff. Such a motivation! Weird to think that people actually are still interested in this crazy little 366 thing!
As with most people, the holidays can be a really stressful time of year. Presents to buy. Money can be tight. Hosting Christmas dinner a challenge. Some family who you'd rather not spend time with. All that crazy stuff! I've been stuck right there in the middle of that for most of my vacation. Not very positive. But, each day I threw myself into my workouts with gusto. You know what? All that physical activity did exactly what I wanted it to, channel the stress away and leave me with a feeling of hope and peace. Yes, presents need to be bought. Be thankful you can give them to those that matter. Yes, money's tight. But, when isn't it? We always seem to survive in the long run. I'm not homeless thank God. Whom I kidding? I love hosting Christmas dinner even if it's a pain in the ass. At least I don't have to go anywhere but my own recliner! Yes, some family members should stay home. But, sometimes it's more fun to laugh to yourself at their ridiculousness behind their back. You can't pick your family. So, enjoy them! It's not that bad.
So, keep doing whatever you enjoy doing and use it as a tool to get you through these enjoyable but stressful holiday times. One foot in front of the other as they say!
353 days down and still going strong! Run for your lives my friends. Interesting things coming in 2014...
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